Friday, February 5, 2010

No good Friday

When I woke up this morning and looked out the window I saw there was snow! My first thought was yay! no work today. Then it was yay! I don't have to make my hour drive this morning. So I started to think about all the different things that I could accomplish today. So, as usual, I got an early start with doing the dishes and trying to get clothes clean while little man, Austin, was watching the TV. My thought process was "get all the cleaning done in the morning so you have all afternoon to give your undivided attention to Austin". I was really excited about being able to spend all day with him. My husband, Landon, was going to try and attempt to go to work. As the morning went on, I was getting all kinds of phone calls about whether I should stay or go to work. The fact that I had already made my decision this morning at 6:30am to stay at home was starting to seem unrealistic.

So then it all started. Milla, our dog, wanted to go outside. We have a fenced in backyard so no problem there, I let her out. Then I realize the trash needs to be taken out, it's full to the max and I have a dirty diaper ready to be trashed. I grab the stinky trash and head for the outside when Milla comes running back through the door to the kitchen with dirty paws, jaws, and fur. Mud and snow and slush is going everywhere but my clothes until...she jumps up right onto my chest. (Now we have a rottweiler which if you don't know.. they get big and they get heavy. ) I get knocked down, land on my butt with mud and nasty trash all around me. After I finally achieve getting the trash out the door in the trash can I have to come back in to a mess on the kitchen floor, which I had swept not too long ago. I force Milla to sit and stay on the couch.

Then, all the calls start again, but this time they are telling me what I do not want to hear, which is that the roads are looking fine. I should be able to go in. At this point, my patience and mood just dropped. I still had to do "something" with my hair, fix my face, and get dressed all along just ranting and raving on how I hate work. So that long hour drive was yet in front of me again. I grabbed the diaper bag, my purse, and my child and forced my way past Milla to get outside. Then I had a meeting with a cold car, where I had to push the snow off, by HAND. Once inside, I just took a deep breath and called my sister to vent. It is a "No good Friday"...


  1. Ash, I'm sorry your morning took a turn for the worst...You didn't tell me about Milla! I'm so sorry! No wonder you were so annoyed, LOL! At least it is Friday, even though it's "no good"...Love you!

  2. Hi Ashley! I'm glad you've started blogging (I'm Christina's friend, Megan)! I am sorry you had a rotten Friday morning - dirty and smelly! At least it's Friday though and the weekend is not far away! I hope work goes by fast today and you get home safely!

  3. So, even though this is your no good friday, I can just imagine all of that happening so it is giving me quite the chuckle. Be safe on your way home!

  4. I know I am sure if was all on video that I would win America's Most Funny Home Video.

  5. Ashley, I am glad you have a Blog so I can keep up with you! Love, Mom

  6. It is too cold for you to take Baby Austin out and I am sorry you do not have a scaper to scrape the snow off your car! I wish I had been there to help you. Love, Mom

  7. I love the picture you added! LOL!

  8. Bless your heart!! It's so frustrating to have days like that. But aren't sisters so great for venting to!? :)
